2023, Adventure, Drama, Movies

Secret Invasion S01 E01

Secret Invasion S01 E01
Title: Secret Invasion S01 E01
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Drama, Adventure
Directors: Kyle Bradstreet
Writer: Kyle Bradstreet
Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Olivia Colman
Storyline: The first episode of Secret Invasion by Everett K. The episode begins with Ross meeting Agent Prescod, who is linking several terrorist attacks around the world to the Skrulls. Prescod wants Ross to summon Nick Fury, who is S.A.B.E.R. I’m on vacation, space station But Ross thinks there isn’t enough evidence to bring Fury down. So, Prescod shows up to reassure Ross of what he’s learned about the Skrulls’ plans. Prescod realizes that something is wrong when Ross says he will share that information with Fury and attacks Ross. Prescod dies, and Ross escapes. When Ross falls from a building, he appears as a Skrull; The rogue turns out to be Talos and everyone is shocked, including Maria Hill. Watch latest movies and TV series for free on My flixer. It is add fresh content everyday for users.